Follow the Route in real time with Avenza GIS or Global Mapper GIS apps. Download the .kmz and follow it on a hand-held GPS. Wi-Fi service is limited in the district so your device must have a discrete GPS to display an accurate location.
Avenza is available from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Install the Avenza app, download the Geo-referenced pdf, and open it with Avenza. Stop and site narratives cannot be accessed from Avenza. Download the Narrative Guide pdf and read it on your device or take along a printed copy. .

Global Mapper Mobile GIS
Global Mapper Mobile (GMM) is a limited feature easy-to-use GIS app. Select the button for information about GMM. Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Select the free version. With GMM installed download the .gmmp file and open it in the GMM app.
GMM will only display the first line of the stop or location narrative. To read all the Stop or Location narrative, download the Narrative Guide pdf and view it on your device or take a printed copy with you.

Hand Held GPS
Download the .kmz file then upload it to your hand-held GPS.